Thomas Weise,Gruppo rievocazione storica 2.Kp. Pionier Batailon
"Foto by Arianna Drago"
For the first time I decided to make an ACTION without inspiring me to photographs or historical characters, in fact long ago farting me in the fb page of the Historical Recall Group Pioneer Batailon I found interesting and one particularly impressed me, the photo in question was that of thomas weise during a photographic set. I tried to make the figure more resembling the subject in the photo for both physical features and wear worn , I hope to have succeeded. I take this opportunity to thank the whole 2kp Group. Pioneer Batailon for availability and support and in particular Thomas for all his precious uniformological info and for the great patience in answering all of my curiosity and requests during the whole creation of the Figurine.
Bye, see you soon .